"Tell her/him you love her/him before someone else does"
Before I say anything else, I would just like to gladly inform everyone that is isn't love nor like, anymore. Never was love as well, in that way. So, yeah.
I was quite relieved when I figured it out. 
So, that was related to the previous post. In case you haven't read it, it's just a confusion of my feelings about someone - which doesn't matter anymore since I'm no longer confused.
Let's update now, shall we?
So, the usual quote is there, but then I don't think it has anything to do with the topic, but then I just wanted to type it down as a shout out for someone which probably will never get heard, but it's also a striking quote for everyone who's too afraid to admit their feelings for someone. You'll only find out it's too late once it's already too late.
Anyway this sounds pretty relevant to a situation in my life right now, but then of course it's not important right now. The shout out I was taking about isn't for that person as well. Er, before this gets too confusing, I shall just move on with the main topic and let this remain as an open puzzle for those who's jobless enough to care.
Okay, if you've read my previous posts you probably have noticed that I keep getting diverted to other topics. I apologize if it's annoying. I just have a lot of opinions or some simply random thoughts that just pour out. That's just how my brain works. 
I'm really starting now. Honest. 
Wednesday - the last day of school before the Holy Week holiday; or "Spring Break" as our school would like to call it which really isn't much of one since it's too short to call it that. At least we did get three days of holidays (+2 with the weekend). Some schools only got one day. Nyahaha.
Some got longer though, but then that's an actual spring break - which I'm not talking about.
It was quite a dull plan to spend the rest of the day in my best friend's house. Well, it wasn't really carefully planned out. So, yeah. It was quite uneventful when we were randomly viewing videos on the laptop...well, that or it was just my restlessness. For some reason I didn't feel like sitting down watching random stuff since we sat for hours having arrived from school. That's when spontaneousness kicked in. 
I felt like walking so I was just blabbing about it in my head when I asked if we could go out. She agreed to go for a walk and that's when we decided to "migrate to the streets" as we called it. But we got lost apparently and ended up in a park. HaHa. Imaginations. It was great walking with her 'cause we had a lot to talk about. Well, girl best friends, usually do, don't we?
She was busy spazzing about this K person.
We had a lot of photography sessions along the way. Random ones of nature...and random ones of ourselves as well. When it's the two of us, we usually have a lot of those.
When spring meets autumn 
In the Park, there's this building called Children's City, which is obviously for kids, but we still went inside. I've always wanted to return there ever since last year when I was reminiscing childhood memories. I remembered having tons of fun. Anne (my best friend) doubted we'd enjoy though since I was only a kid when I last visited. I was excited though like a small kid going there for the first time.
That's when we went inside a time machine and became kids again.
The first section we came in was mixed with biology and physics stuff. It's kind of like a fun educational centre. It was fun when we were arranging these models of the inside of a body 'cause we couldn't put in properly some parts! We were like kids trying to put in a cube in a triangle hole. Well, it was mainly me.
Anne solved it in the end. So much for being a biology student. Tsk Tsk. And she takes business - not biology. It was pretty much a fun idiotic moment.
What many people can't figure out - the heart.
[Some insert it in the wrong places while some lock it away.
Some even forget they have one.]<-- random thoughts 
It was fun experimenting with waves as well 'cause there was this machine that showed our the sound waves of our voices. I forgot the name of the machine.
Ugh. Anyway, Anne was so hyper that the amplitude (height) of the wave reached the top and bottom of the screen. It was
pretty hilarious compared to mine which were quite small. It was like a 30cm ruler to an ordinary eraser. 
We did a lot of other things as well since there was a lot to do and see such as playing a harp for the first time! 
Of course, we didn't spend all our time there in Children's City. We also had fun moments out in the park. There was this funny incident when we just came out of Children's City. There was a straight path along between patches of grass and it was quite dark so we couldn't see much. Anne was busy texting someone so she wasn't looking while we were walking ahead. Well I was and the first thing I saw there was a cat. Now you might probably think I'm scared of cats which is the cause of this funny thing, but no. As I said: it was dark and the first thing I saw was a cat. The thing is that I was surprised because cats aren't that common here. But they still exist, nonetheless as this incident proves. Okay, let's get straight to the point. I got suprised and there was a chainreaction with Anne and it somehow got amplified that she screamed. The funny part was that this surprised the cat as well which caused it to run away.
So basically:
Cats: Surprise(/Scare?) Anne and I
Anne and I: Scare them back *rawr * 
Anyway, I guess that's all I can say about Wednesday. So one word that describes it best is: epic adventure.Okay, I change it two two words. 
And with that: The awesomeness spontaneousness can bring is pretty much justified.
Red Shirt: Me :)
Grey Hoodie: Anne :)
Take Care.
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