Cookies & Glue :)

If you have followed this link from tumblr, then here is the Share of the Day.

If you actually read this directly from here then I'm actually quite shocked.Unless of course you just passed by since you found me interesting.

Or you just pressed the wrong link. Yeah, makes sense.

Anyway, for all tumbling people who actually follows my Share of the Days, then you deserve a cookie. With milk if you want. <-- or coffee. (Or Me!) ~ Jooke.

Here's just a quick news. All my future Share of the Day will mainly link to my blog 'cause I know that if I keep writing all of them in tumblr, I'd be too lazy to update this account. Which I don't want to happen.

Without further ado, here is the share of the day:

It's actually quite random. Glue.

Okay, so during Physics class, we had to glue a paper in our notebooks.

So obviously, this is where the glue comes in.
(via: ahbingge)

Side note: Don't mean to advertise, but I didn't bother searching for better pictures and Uhu is the glue I'm talking about.

My partner borrowed it - since she had none. (Thanks, Captain Obvious).

Then she just randomly commented she liked the glue. I thought it was due to its adhesive quality.

But I was wrong.

It was actually because it smelled like cookies!

I was like o.O okay.

But ever since I was almost dying to smell it! (She was using it by that time...) When I finally got the chance to smell it...let's just say...

I will never smell that glue the same way again.


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