"It only takes a moment to be kind
But its result can last forever" :)
Warning: This entry is written by a person with a simple mind so if you can't appreciate simplicity nor the little things in life then I recommend for you to stop right here. In other words, this entry is not suitable for you. Thank you.
Okay, if you're reading on then that means you can appreciate the simple things which is really great. I admire that trait of yours. But if you're simply reading on just because you're curious then don't say I didn't warn you. 
Well anyways, I was just reflecting back on tis particular event that just happened recently. It's a pretty short event, some might even consider it as insignificant, but not me.
So there's this girl in my class who no one really approves of and we've got our reasons, but I guess it's probably rooted from her childhood when she has always been seeking for approval and friendship which no one can offer. Now that I come to think of it, I don't even know why. Well she has done some mistakes here and there, but don't we all? 
As I said, no one in our class really approves of her and I guess it's a bad habit that's turned into a vice although it may seem insignificant to most of us in the class. It obviously isn't to her. But during this maths class, I borrowed a pencil from a friend who sat in front of me and the girl I'm talking about, let's just keep her under the name of Jade, she told me it was her pencil, but I argued back and said it was from my friend who lent it to me. 
By now, you probably can predict that it was her pencil, but when we both found out it was hers, instead of the "Ha! I told you so"
line she usually says, she actually said that I could borrow it until I finished
and inside I was so surprised!
It really is amazing (in the negative way) what cynicism can do to a person. I felt quite ashamed of myself and I should be, I guess.
Moreover, the feeling that really marked this incident for me is the warm feeling inside my heart from that random act of kindness.
That really taught me a lesson and this is when I just understood the power of random acts of kindness 
Cheesy, but true
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