Okay, maybe it was a couple of minutes ago.
Half an hour ago?
Anyway, I still recall it as clear as when it took place.
It was just a quiet evening at home. Literally. I was just tumbling over here and my sister was busy doing her homework, that's why the TV was off. It was pretty much a normal evening - except for the unusual silence.
As I said, it was silent.
Suddenly, the door creaks open with a small sound.
The silence amplified it though.

The first thing that came into my head was a haunting. Or a sign.
Yesterday, he had a appeared to my mom in a dream. There, he had left saying he won't come back again. I never really believed in those haunting through dreams. Until earlier, of course. Why would my mom lie?
Letting the tinge of fear grow in my heart, I looked at my sister - and screamed.
Oh, the adrenaline.
My sister's trepidation developed with it. It caused her to hit me hard, on my back. But I was used to it.
It's just the adrenaline.
Slowly, it closed again.
That was that.
Freaky, huh?

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