Oops. Sorry to those of you who have been following my Share of the Days in tumblr. I just realized I didn't have one for yesterday.
I shall make a special then one of these days with the Share of the Day feature, yeah? 
Anyway, I do have a pretty good reason for that. Actually, not really. I don't know. I was just out last night. That a good enough reason? 
Yeah. That's what happened.
So, in this share, I shall tell you about what happened.
The reason I went out was to kind of celebrate my friend's birthday with my best friend. That sounds kind of confusing. I meant that me and my best friend went with that close friend to celebrate her birthday. There. 
Out of all the hang-outs I've been to, this was one of the few different ones. The first thing that said it all was the fact that we all wore dresses. I never really fancied dresses. But then I guess I already outgrew that opinion. It's quite weird, to be honest. Obviously there's nothing wrong since I'm a girl after all...it's just something new for me.
Anyway, we were supposed to watch a movie (i.e Iron Man 2) but then we had other plans which didn't fit with time and there seemed to be more that we could do that precious time. I was quite disappointed at first. Not because I really want to watch the movie. I can wait. It was just the amazingly awesome crepes they sell in the cinema.
The melted cheese with all the mushroom&meaty goodness. Even the freshly melted chocolate with the soft banana. *drool*. I really miss it!
But then I can still wait.
I usually enjoy going to toy stores. Just looking at the cute stuff they have. It was fun when we went there, but for some reason, it wasn't as fun as it used to be. I guess I am starting to outgrow that as well. =l It's not bad, but change is something I'm not so comfortable with, although it seems like fun...
Well, moving on from that.
The main highlight was actually when we went to Forever 21 and we tried on clothes for fun and took pictures. Typical girl outing activity, I guess. But it was actually the first time I did it in all my almost fifteen years of existence. I used to be uninterested with those sort of activities. I mean, I would rather go play in the arcades or browse through book stores looking at different stuff that ranged from weird to wonderful. Even funny.
But let's not go there.
I can't believe I actually had fun doing that. Here's how it kind of turned out:
There. I actually thought the size would be bigger but then I guess not.
Anyway, I guess that's all for now. 
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