I woke up today feeling fresh. Ready to start a new day.
After a few relaxing weekends, I finally got long weekend homeworks.
I don't like getting piled u with homework so I usually do it as soon as possible. Since I woke up at the correct side of the bed, I thought I'd do it.
Maths - Congruent Triangles. Probably one of the hardest topic I've faced this year. Actually, it's the only challenging topic I've had because it's so confusing. Specially with a teacher who gives away all the answers when you ask for help, instead of hints or help in analysis.
It's my fault as well for not being smart enough for this. But I can do this. 
Wrong Idea. It just wasn't working. By the end of that, I was tired that I didn't put in much effort than I usually do. So, I decided to just move on here. *type* *type* *type*
So, my teacher was discussing with my classmates who all were absent on Sunday ~ and there were a lot (as my previous post had mentioned). I was quite surprised when I realised that all those took place just this week. Thinking back, there wasn't really much going on that I forgot all about that. It was just weird how the phrase "seemed just like yesterday" used for events/moments years ago was totally the opposite of how I felt.
It was a few days ago, but it felt like last week. o.O
Lately, I've been feeling out of place, not in the lonely kind of way. Just kind of like, I'm supposed to be somewhere else. It was usually in school. Probably laziness, I know. But it went on even at home...
It's like a football being used as a volleyball ~ it works out...but it's just not right. 
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