Losing Journeys

"What does it mean when nightmares dream of peace?
When shadows wish for light"
- Irial, Ink Exchange by Melissa Marr

There are so many things to do in life, many choices to make, many mistakes to learn from, many roads of happiness to follow and the list just goes on. Have you ever felt lost from all of these? I guess that's one of the downside with free will : the choices are endless. But on the bright side, we can do things the way we want based on our priorities. What's confusing though is this question: what are our priorities? And other questions just pile up. So I guess the bottom line here is that: It's so easy to get lost in life.

Like many of you out there, I have felt lost so many times and sometimes or most of the times I don't know the reason why although fortunately I have found someone I can trust to guide me back whenever I get lost: God. Although it wasn't always this way and as I said before, my most familiar form of writing is through poems and here is one that I made sometime last year which I just found recently when sorting through old books.

A journey

When she started this journey
She knew she'd always be lonely
She didn't know if she could survive
She just wanted to know what it was to be alive.

She packed her bags one morning
Hoping this journey would stop her mourning
Her mourning to the unknown, left unrevealed
She carried these feelings yet kept it concealed.

With head faced down, she walked away
It didn't matter if she'll fall astray
With dark black eyes glued to the ground, no one stared
Her black hair's messy, clothes are torn, but no one cared.

She knew where it started, but didn't know the middle
Everything was nothing but a complicated riddle
It was hard to figure out, she thought it would be forever unsolved
But life still went on, the world still revolved

She soon felt the end coming
When she suddenly felt something
Something she had not felt before
A lost spirit that drifted ashore

Nothing much changed since that journey
In the end, she was still lonely
But she found a home that lead back home
She knew that if she followed, it would show her why she was alone

She then realized: the ending of her journey was just the beginning
And that you should remember where you've been before you start moving
She knows she still has a long way to go
But she believes she'll reach it someday - she knows.

-Ella :)

Well I know that my poem isn't really one of the best, but I hope that no one will use it in any other sites or in any other way without my permission. Thank you.

Anyway, I hope you will not label me as emo or any other labels 'cause labelling are for narrow-minded people. People are more than just their labels, you know? Like for example, if you label someone a nerd they may be athletic as well in different sports (and not just chess). Get what I mean? No one is ever as simple as they appear to be. Everyone is complex one way or the other, no matter how they appear to be. Well anyway, I should stop my blabbing over here. Thanks for reading :)

Remember: Just because you may not (always) believe in God, doesn't mean eh stops believing in you.

In My World ♥

"Can't help it if I space in a daze
My eyes tune out the other way
I may switch off and go in a daydream
In this head my thoughts are deep
But sometimes I can't even speak
Will someone be and not pretend, I'm off again in my world?"

Thanks for passing by here and as you can see I'm new here and so it might take sometime getting familiar with everything although it seems pretty easy so far. It has been four days since I joined that I am actually writing my first blog or post since during the first day, I took hours with the coding of this particular layout in the classic mode which was pretty frustrating in the end 'cause I couldn't figure out certain things so I decided to start from scratch - er, actually I just took the easy way out by reverting back to the latest version. Oh well, I'm pretty content with my current layout since its coding doesn't need editing anyway. Okay, this is starting to get weird discussing layouts when it's supposed to be an introduction. So, moving on.

Well I'm pretty talkative, not in person though. I think it might be pretty surprising for people who personally know me to see all the things I'm going to be posting up pretty soon. I guess I'm more expressive through writing over talking. School work also got me pretty occupied for the past few days so I couldn't write an introduction, by the way.

Anyway, I don't know if this sounds like an introduction at all or not. But like what my future posts will be, they are all self expression of escaped emotions :)

So I'll go over some basic questions:

Why did I join blogger?

Well I've never really thought of creating a blog sometime ago. But then one day there wasn't much to do on the computer and then my friend was talking about her blog which gave me the idea to create one myself and so, yeah. She suggested I join this site and I did :)

I guess that's how it all started. This is also pretty interesting since I've always had a passion for writing ever since I was eight or nine. It started through the form of poems and although I haven't written poems for quite sometime and they aren't as much as before, I will be sharing them here every now and then. I believe writing a blog will also help improve my English in the process and I can also meet new people. I'm pretty excited ^^

Why choose Silent Sincerity for a page title?

Actually, it was originally Testified Truths, but then it didn't sound right after a while...like it was a serious newspaper so then I came up with the name Silent Sincerity since all my future blogs will be typed with sincerity and honesty, but then of course I won't always mention something like: "This blog was written with sincerity" because that will be weird and so yeah. As I said, my blog will be a self expression of escaped emotions.

Okay, so I guess that's all for now. So just a basic summary for an introduction. A summary of :

What you expect to find in my blog :
  • Updates on current events in my life, mostly the major ones will be mentioned.
  • Opinions on certain things in life and what not although they will mostly be linked with the current events.
  • Frequent quoting from people or songs, just because :)
  • As I keep saying: Self expression of escaped emotions. (Okay, I'll stop saying that from now on or it might get annoying, or is it already?)
  • Honesty and sincerity, other traits if you just read between the lines
  • Most importantly Me. In the sense that you'll get to know me better. And I want to get to know you to so...
I guess that's all for the introduction :)
How do you find Blogger so far? ^^
Take Care & Happy Blogging =]

*Note: Please follow if you're interested :)