"It is in the shelter of each other where people live."
-Irish Proverb
Sisters. Some say they are better off without them, while some say they wouldn't know what to do without them. Some don't even know what sisterhood means.
But some do find it in their friends / best friends.
While I'm one of the fortunate ones that have, I'm also one of the lucky ones who found a definition of sisterhood through my older sister. 
My sister and I never really got along as we do now. With all the scratching, screaming, hair pulling, kicking. You get the picture. 
I was happy yesterday.
Not that I hardly am, the reason just felt unique and special. It was actually just a simple incident, but it really touched me. If you're not simple-minded or can't appreciate simplicity, then I suggest you read another post or just go ahead and do something you think would be more worthy of your time. Don't say I didn't warn you. 
If you're still reading this, then you deserve a cookie! Or any other dish you like. 
So, I'll go on. We were going to Abu Dhabi - out of town. It was about an hour or quarter that away from where we live. I was reading a book (since the journey was quite smooth) . After we had a stop in a gas station, we got caramel waffles and Starbucks frappie. My sister started eating
while I was still reading.
I asked her if I could have some. I expected her to hand it to me or something. Instead., she started feeding me. It was quite pleasant reading a book while having someone feed you awesome caramel waffles.
I mean, just the gesture was heart-warming. She even gave the the last pieces of both waffles. 
I guess if I would define sisterhood, it doesn't necessarily have to be a blood related sister. It's just a bond between two people that exceeds friendship. (Not the boyfriend/girlfriend type though. Don't be so malicious
). People who are there for each other through the good times and bad. A type that probably exceeds words. That's with my best friend and I.
There are other forms as well. Depends on how others experience it. 
Now that I come to think of it. Is there a specially day for sisters? At least siblings? If there's none, I believe they should have one.

I can go on saying that we're this and that. But I think the best example is to just show you guys what I mean.

It's not all unicorns and rainbows though. We do have our moments from time to time:
(This happened the exact same day as the previous incident)

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