So I was walking out when suddenly, I saw a flock of birds.
They weren't eating together. They weren't walking together. They weren't flying around together. Oh, but they were flying, alright. Frantically.
Have you ever seen movies when a storm came then all the animals just panic? It felt like that. Except that they weren't fleeing. They just remained flying. 'Round and 'round. Except that there was no storm.
It was honestly freaky, but it didn't scare me that much...
It reminded me of the theory that the Earth might end soon. But then don't panic. 'Cause the so-called End Of The World can come for us any day. It can come from a nightmare (which can then lead to death) to even an accident. That's why it's important to live each day like it's your last 'cause we never do know when it's our last.
This leads to the usual quote. Yes, it's back to words. No pictures for this post.
"Laugh so hard that even sorrow smiles at you
Fight so strong that even fate accepts defeat
Love so true that even hatred walks out of the way
That was from here. Yeah, somewhere there.
Warning: Weird paragraph. Skip if you have better things to do.
Anyway, as I sat inside the restaurant waiting for the food, it was almost seven p.m. and the clouds looked dark compared to the sky. There was something mysterious in the clouds though. The sun wasn't there, but some of its light could still be seen from the clouds. But it didn't seem to penetrate through the clouds. There was something ominous about it. Perhaps, foreboding would be a better word?

Or not. I guess it's not entirely weird since it was night after all...
That was weird. just scratch that.
They say that ignorance is a bliss.
But I'm not completely blind.
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