"The sun is hot in the sky ~ just like a giant spotlight."
- Lenka - The Show. Quote of the day in class.
Our classes finally ended today. 
Just be careful though (when reading, I mean). I said classes, not school .
But then that's not what this post is about.
It's about the last day of classes. Mondays are usually stress free days since we only have three subjects. The rest are library and Activity time...
I remember the last day of classes was free, last year. The entire day.
It was a great day in terms of unity and fun between the class. It really felt like a class. It was also a time for photos! *snaps away* But then that was all in last year...
This year we all got reshuffled like organized pieces of colored paper blown by the wind where each color was in one pile. The room became more colorful and abstract since then, in many ways.
It wasn't really as fun as last year. I guess it was probably 'cause we were in the same class for eight years. But having the reshuffle, more time was still needed. That, or we just didn't try hard enough. 
Anyway, we got the year books today. So, I was passing it around for people to sign. Most of them said "Have an awesome summer." It looked like it was unintentional though how the wordings were exactly the same. I'm sure we know what that means
. A few days ago, we did have an activity where we put the positive and negative traits about each other. That was when I realized that the positive sides of me were positive yet at a superficial basis. They included the same words: "kind, nice, smart". It just showed how much they knew about me...
Another realization was greatly based the negative side or the "To Improve On" section. It all contained that I need to socialize more. I guess that's true.
Which is why I already planned my mission for next school year. 

Today was a great day though. Despite the other stuff. There's a reason behind it, of course. But...*dum dum dum dum*
Anyway, we played dumb charades during the last few classes: activity class. It wasn't as fun as it usually was though since everyone else kept leaving and joining. Psh. As I said, unity. Tsk Tsk.