True Beauty...?

This post was written at the 30th of April, but due to unfortunate circumstances, it wasn't published.

In other words, Blogger was some what screwed up.


Warning: This is probably one of the most weirdest Shares ever. Actually, not really. It's just a small and simple one.

I feel happy.

I can't find any particular reason why.

Sometimes we just have to learn that the answer is just because.

Embrace randomness :)

Follow at your own risk.

Don't worry, I don't bite.

Girls Night Out ^^

Oops. Sorry to those of you who have been following my Share of the Days in tumblr. I just realized I didn't have one for yesterday. I shall make a special then one of these days with the Share of the Day feature, yeah?

Anyway, I do have a pretty good reason for that. Actually, not really. I don't know. I was just out last night. That a good enough reason?

Yeah. That's what happened.

So, in this share, I shall tell you about what happened.

The reason I went out was to kind of celebrate my friend's birthday with my best friend. That sounds kind of confusing. I meant that me and my best friend went with that close friend to celebrate her birthday. There.

Out of all the hang-outs I've been to, this was one of the few different ones. The first thing that said it all was the fact that we all wore dresses. I never really fancied dresses. But then I guess I already outgrew that opinion. It's quite weird, to be honest. Obviously there's nothing wrong since I'm a girl after's just something new for me.

Anyway, we were supposed to watch a movie (i.e Iron Man 2) but then we had other plans which didn't fit with time and there seemed to be more that we could do that precious time. I was quite disappointed at first. Not because I really want to watch the movie. I can wait. It was just the amazingly awesome crepes they sell in the cinema. The melted cheese with all the mushroom&meaty goodness. Even the freshly melted chocolate with the soft banana. *drool*. I really miss it! But then I can still wait.

I usually enjoy going to toy stores. Just looking at the cute stuff they have. It was fun when we went there, but for some reason, it wasn't as fun as it used to be. I guess I am starting to outgrow that as well. =l It's not bad, but change is something I'm not so comfortable with, although it seems like fun...

Well, moving on from that.

The main highlight was actually when we went to Forever 21 and we tried on clothes for fun and took pictures. Typical girl outing activity, I guess. But it was actually the first time I did it in all my almost fifteen years of existence. I used to be uninterested with those sort of activities. I mean, I would rather go play in the arcades or browse through book stores looking at different stuff that ranged from weird to wonderful. Even funny. But let's not go there.

I can't believe I actually had fun doing that. Here's how it kind of turned out:

There. I actually thought the size would be bigger but then I guess not.

Anyway, I guess that's all for now.

Cookies & Glue :)

If you have followed this link from tumblr, then here is the Share of the Day.

If you actually read this directly from here then I'm actually quite shocked.Unless of course you just passed by since you found me interesting.

Or you just pressed the wrong link. Yeah, makes sense.

Anyway, for all tumbling people who actually follows my Share of the Days, then you deserve a cookie. With milk if you want. <-- or coffee. (Or Me!) ~ Jooke.

Here's just a quick news. All my future Share of the Day will mainly link to my blog 'cause I know that if I keep writing all of them in tumblr, I'd be too lazy to update this account. Which I don't want to happen.

Without further ado, here is the share of the day:

It's actually quite random. Glue.

Okay, so during Physics class, we had to glue a paper in our notebooks.

So obviously, this is where the glue comes in.
(via: ahbingge)

Side note: Don't mean to advertise, but I didn't bother searching for better pictures and Uhu is the glue I'm talking about.

My partner borrowed it - since she had none. (Thanks, Captain Obvious).

Then she just randomly commented she liked the glue. I thought it was due to its adhesive quality.

But I was wrong.

It was actually because it smelled like cookies!

I was like o.O okay.

But ever since I was almost dying to smell it! (She was using it by that time...) When I finally got the chance to smell it...let's just say...

I will never smell that glue the same way again.

Simply Peaceful

I am guilty of posting this in tumblr before posting it here.

Ever since I joined tumblr, it became my addiction. Still is. Anyway, I had this kind of rule in my head not to post the same things in all my accounts so different aspects of me can be seen there. But I failed. Thanks to laziness. Well, it's not that bad, right? It is still me. Just not spending time as wisely as I probably can, and not being bothered by it. Oh well. I'll just try not to repeat posts frequently in my account. *Crossed Fingers*

Okay, here goes:

We have a library period in our school. Time especially dedicated to students (during school hours) to go to the library. Uh, yeah. So it's basically part of our time-table. Anyway, it's compulsory for everyone to go there. Rules are rules.

And some rules are made to be broken. Or so they say (Actually do).

What I mean is that only ten people from our class actually go to the Library during Library period. That includes me.

Nerd I know.

But not really. Funny how everything seems funnier when you're not supposed to laugh. Anyway, I laugh a lot during library. Or I do my homework, so I can be free at home when I come back. Like right now.Nyahaha.

~ Today was different though.

There were only two people in the Library. It still included me. Bigger Nerd.Yeah, pretty much sounds like it. Our entire class was playing volleyball outside. I didn't really feel like it because I actually got a book earlier (which hardly happens since it's always homework or whispering, as I said).

I haven't really read for a while, so I grabbed the opportunity and read instead. Actually I wrote in my diary first before reading. Still. I read. I hardly read at home due to my current addiction (tumblr). HeHeHe. xP

So yeah. That was pretty much it. The last two classes that followed after that was such a drag >.<>

The best part in the Library was the silence. It wasn't uncomfortably loud like it usually is.

Just peaceful.

Weird Post.

Something freaky just happened.

Okay, maybe it was a couple of minutes ago.

Half an hour ago?

Anyway, I still recall it as clear as when it took place.

It was just a quiet evening at home. Literally. I was just tumbling over here and my sister was busy doing her homework, that's why the TV was off. It was pretty much a normal evening - except for the unusual silence.

As I said, it was silent.

Suddenly, the door creaks open with a small sound.

The silence amplified it though.

Recently, a relative of ours just passed away (yesterday). He was our dad's cousin. I knew him. But I never knew he was a relative (since yesterday). He was a good person.

That means he went to Heaven, then.

The first thing that came into my head was a haunting. Or a sign.

Yesterday, he had a appeared to my mom in a dream. There, he had left saying he won't come back again. I never really believed in those haunting through dreams. Until earlier, of course. Why would my mom lie?

Letting the tinge of fear grow in my heart, I looked at my sister - and screamed.

Oh, the adrenaline.

My sister's trepidation developed with it. It caused her to hit me hard, on my back. But I was used to it.

It's just the adrenaline.

Slowly, it closed again.

That was that.

Freaky, huh?

Well, that's how it's supposed to be. If it didn't scare in anyway, even just a little bit. Then I must be a bad writer. Tsk. I'll work on that then. Just me know, yeah?

Something amazing happened though. Earlier, when I came from Church, there was a butterfly that tried to approach me. It was very stunning. But at the same time, I was scared. Just because.

I didn't think of it, at first. But my godmother suggested that it might have been that relative. We had good memories with him 'cause he used to drive us around when my family went back to our country for vacation. Good times.

May his soul rest in peace. :)

Just Typing...

I woke up today feeling fresh. Ready to start a new day. After a few relaxing weekends, I finally got long weekend homeworks. I don't like getting piled u with homework so I usually do it as soon as possible. Since I woke up at the correct side of the bed, I thought I'd do it.

Maths - Congruent Triangles. Probably one of the hardest topic I've faced this year. Actually, it's the only challenging topic I've had because it's so confusing. Specially with a teacher who gives away all the answers when you ask for help, instead of hints or help in analysis. It's my fault as well for not being smart enough for this. But I can do this.

Wrong Idea. It just wasn't working. By the end of that, I was tired that I didn't put in much effort than I usually do. So, I decided to just move on here. *type* *type* *type*

So, my teacher was discussing with my classmates who all were absent on Sunday ~ and there were a lot (as my previous post had mentioned). I was quite surprised when I realised that all those took place just this week. Thinking back, there wasn't really much going on that I forgot all about that. It was just weird how the phrase "seemed just like yesterday" used for events/moments years ago was totally the opposite of how I felt.

It was a few days ago, but it felt like last week. o.O

Lately, I've been feeling out of place, not in the lonely kind of way. Just kind of like, I'm supposed to be somewhere else. It was usually in school. Probably laziness, I know. But it went on even at home...

It's like a football being used as a volleyball ~ it works out...but it's just not right.

A Special Day :)

"The more you desire Heaven, the less you'll desire of this world."

After a dull week, my weekend was quite great.

Specially during Saturday, the greatest moment in my Christian life. The day I became an adult Christian through confirmation. It was like a normal Catholic mass except that we had a procession at the start and all ninety candidates were individually blessed by the bishop.

I got the chance to read the First Reading, by the way. I was extremely nervous during the practices and even before I went forward to read. It was amazing though how I lost all of that nervousness when I went to read. My only thought was serving Him and it went well. I got positive reviews on diction, clarity, timing, tone and even the sound of my voice.
Since it was confirmation, we obviously had to wear a white dress. If you read my previous post, you probably know how I feel about dresses by now.

If not, then here it is:

"I wore a dress. I'm not usually a dress person. But I like wearing dresses because they make me feel pretty like a doll. I don't want to lose that feeling. I guess that's why I don't like wearing dresses so often. "

It was another kind of
magical moment being there. Some people have noticed I looked happy when I was in front of the Bishop 'cause confirmation was a really great step. But after that (and even until now) I don't feel so different. Probably because I don't fully understand the seven gifts that come from it...but I am working my way there.

By the way, for confirmation, we had to choose a Saint name. I chose the name honor of my friend and I like the story of the saint as well. Wherever she walked an angel used to light the road in front of her with a lantern when she travelled. Here's the name, by the way:

Oh, the part that wasn't magical was when my toes started hurting 'cause of the ends of my heels. My heels were around half an inch only because I can't walk in heels. Seriously, even when it was half an inch.

Anyway, it was two hours long. It started at four, but we were supposed to be there by three, in the afternoon, of course. So, after that, we went to a Chinese restaurant we haven't been to for an incredibly long time. The food was great, as usual.

It was there when I got my confirmation gifts. I surprisingly got a green Swatch watch. I was expecting money, but the watch was great, nonetheless. I even got a novel from my close friend, Christia. It was The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks. I haven't read the book yet, but I plan to. Really. Soon. I got money from my mom, as expected, though. But of course, confirmation isn't entirely about the gifts. Get that straight.


So, my night pretty much ended there. It was a fun day.

Sunday was fun as well! Only fourteen people came to class and... (the update continues tomorrow, okay?)

PS: By the time I finished writing this, there was no quote. I decided to place one on top of the post since I haven't done that for a long time. Just sharing.