"Can you add a day in your life by worrying about it?"
Sorry for another late update, everyone. It's still the tests week so it has been pretty stressful and it still is
. I'm pretty glad it's currently the weekend though.
The tests have been prettyokayso far. The best one so far would have to be English Language which is pretty surprising since it's usually one of the most stressful one due to time pressure. But we had only two questions for ninety minutes.
Worst one would have to be Bible since I didn't finish the paper and eight marks are immediately gone.
But then I don't really mind now if I get lower than usual there since I deserve that grade anyway. 
Anyway, let's move on from that...
So, I was studying or preparing earlier for our maths tests and it's always so annoying when I forget how to do certain stuff and I end up feeling stupid. Well that's always the inevitable truth from the lack of revision.
I couldn't help but feel melancholic though after a while when my thoughts just drift off due to my concentration deficiency thanks to my lack of determination. So I just started missing certain people I haven't spoken to for a long time. Well, not really so long.But long enough for me, anyway. I feel like contacting them, but then there's something holding me back. Actually, we only have one life so we might as well do what makes us happy. I'll just go talk to them. 
During this week that passed, my days were just full of study, study, study. I slept at around past 10pm and woke up at 4am or so. In other words, I had only around 5 -6 hours of sleep. On Thursday, the last day before the weekend, I felt like I had lost my mind.
(Okay, I meant my mind and not my tooth) Well anyway...
Our literature teacher is the type who repeats a lot of points that were already discussed and even when he explains it's uselessly repetitive int he sense that he still repeats it even though everyone else has understood his point. So half the time it's like
as in *yawn*. So for that class, I thought I'd read ahead with the book we're doing since the subject is interesting, it's just the teacher's continuous repetitiveness.
He was actually discussing the chapter we did in the previous lesson for half the period. Anyway, I was still listening (every now and then
) for some relevant points. There's this character in the book who's name was Weston when out of nowhere, he was seriously explaining about him, but instead of Weston" it turned to"Wetson"and I was like -
- laughing all the way, specially when it eventually became "Watson"
. It was like he explained so seriously looking like this: I had uncontrollable laughter, but I managed to contain it. No one else seemed to be laughing though. That's when I realized: I had lost my mind.
Anyway, I have to cut this short due to a forgotten shopping spree. Oops.
PS: This was published in a rush so sorry for grammatical and spelling errors which will be corrected soon.
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