"Memory is a child walking along a seashore.
You never can tell what small pebble it will pick up
And store away among its treasured things."
YaaY! I'm back
I'm sorry for the late update 'cause of school and the weekend was quite full of fun stuff, but not all the time. Still fun nonetheless ^^
Anyways, so as the title suggests, this post will be something that happened to me sometime ago, but not that far back although the title does make it seem like it's something back from my childhood.
I'm sorry to disappoint you then if that's so. But if you just started reading this out of curiosity then go ahead and read on then. 
Okay, so you might have read that Wednesday was a holiday for me due to the abundant rain last week (and if you didn't, well now you do). So it's just common knowledge that the enviro-spellathon test I was supposed to take was on Thursday, right? That's why I woke up at 3am to prepare for the test. I know, nerd.
But turns out the test was on Monday!
It was pretty much disappointing. >.<>
I was pretty much hyper then for the rest of the day.
It was mainly because I was going out with some friends to watch Alice In Wonderland 3D which I had been looking forward to see ever since the trailer came out! There were some pretty good moments although I honestly think that the trailer was better than the movie.
One would pretty much enjoy it though if thy hadn't seen the trailer. Anyway, I just felt like saying that in the old English kind if way, but I do mean it. My favorite character is definitely The Hatter!
I was expecting though that Alice would meet the person version of him back in the upper land (however you call it). But no.
[Sorry if that was a spoiler] Tweedledum and Tweedledee were cute as well.
The movie had a good soundtrack as well (from Owl City to All Time Low and even Avril Lavigne), but only a few of them were played during the movie =l If you've seen the movie, what do you think of it?
But that wasn't really the highlight of that day. The main highlight surprisingly took place at a bookstore. I like reading books (although I haven't read much in a while) and so browsing though bookstores is great, but browsing through a book with friends is just completely priceless!
One of our friends just randomly found this book about the Zodiac and it was by Collins and it was pretty detailed. Fortunately, each of us had different signs and it was hilarious when one of our friends was reading it aloud. I would explain what happened, but then it might be a You Had To Be There moment so I'm not quite sure you'll get it. It was at that time when my stomach hurt from laughing too much. That hasn't happened to me for a long time so it may seem small, but it's something I treasure. ^^ I think I sound stupid/crazy now, but I don't really mind. 
Anyway, I would just like to say that although what certain zodiac characteristics mentioned are true, you shouldn't ever let it define yourself. Your thoughts and actions are the things that ought to define you and not just some words although I'm not saying that it's not true. Just don't let it define a person. Don't know if I'm making any sense right now so I'll just move on... I'm a Scorpio by the way.
What's your (western) star sign?
I remember this time as well when my friend and I went to a bookstore and we were just browsing through books 'cause we were waiting for something and it took quite sometime so we actually sat on the floor and browsed through books peacefully although we had great laughs as well over the little things. It's really amazing how the unexpected things can bring in more happiness than planned situations.
<-- Cute Apple
I guess that's pretty much the highlight of my weekend. There was a party though but it wasn't so eventful and yeah...
So that's all the updates today. Thanks for dropping by. 
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