"Random is fun"
-someone ;)

Anyway, this post is just a combination of random events that occurred during the past few weeks or months and they're the ones that just randomly came in my head.

Off Moments
Okay, so once during Computer class (ICT) the teacher was calling everyone to give the test papers, but apparently I wasn't paying attention so when my name was called I screamed "Present!" really loud 'cause I thought it was the roll call and it was quite loud since the room was a big one to hold around 70 people and 30 computers. Smart much? 

Recently during Chemistry class someone had to read out this text in front of the class and so I was chosen. There was this box above the text which was in a yellow box and we sometimes read it but not always so meant to ask if I had to read it and I was like: "Do I read the blue box?" and I kept repeating that 'cause the teacher wasn't answering (maybe she didn't hear me...?).
Anyway, where'd blue come from when the box was yellow?!
Talk about color blind.

Okay now switching it back on let's move on to...
Minor Additions
Okay, I honestly have no idea if the subheading suits the following contents, but anyways:
Have you ever tried anything new just for the fun of it? Like pulling off the table cloth from the table without dropping its contents
If you know me personally, this probably isn't the first time I've mentioned that 'cause I've wanted to do it for a long time but even until now I haven't done it yet. I'm too scared if I break anything on top of the table. 

But I have done something new which is quite random, but I'll mention it anyways since this is a random post anyways.
Just earlier my dad told me to cut the broccolies and I was quite fascinated by how they looked like a mini forest. It looked quite cool. Yes, I'm weird to be talking about broccolies looking cool.
I actually took some pictures trying to capture the view that will make it look like a forest, but it was mostly a fail 'cause I rushed since my camera was already almost out of battery (and it eventually died). I would show it, but it just looks...weird.

Another new thing I tried is actually baking. It was mostly with my best friend although we also had to rush because the oven was already being preheated so we kind of had to rush but it was fun buying ingredients, mixing, cutting and all those. Best part though was eating !
In the end it was kind of a fail but then it still tasted great with ice cream 

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