The first week of exams just ended. 
Well, not really. I mean, the week did finish, but only two papers are over. Seven more to go. Our exams started on Wednesday. Then came weekend after that. Unlike their schools, our exams last for two weeks. 
Now this may seem like a disadvantage compared to those who finish off their exams in three days or in a week, but it's not
. The reason is 'cause we have less stress by having an exam for only one day and there are Preparation Day in between. I'm not insulting those schools though.
I mean it is great finishing of all the exams within a few days. I'm just saying they're more stressful, but if a student has gone through it for years then they've already adapted. It's not so bad for them as well, I guess. 
Our first exam was language. I usually enjoy language exams although I can never really be prepared for it, since the questions are unseen. The first section was okay. But it was the second section of the paper which contained the question I disliked the most and the only one I enjoyed doing.
The seen passage we got was the one I liked the least. It was three sides long, so I was all...
"How can it come? That's so impossible. Three sides would be time-consuming to read. Yeah, it'll be to long. That won't come for sure." 
Then I saw the paper.
*It came! *
"Mrs, you gave me the wrong paper."
- I said in my imagination.
I guess that's what you get for assuming.
You see,
When you assume. You make an ass out of u and me.
Right, right? 
I was mainly the victim though of my own crime.
A lesson well learnt for me though. 
*attention attention* Quote of the post:
"Learn from others mistakes 'cause life's too short to learn all of them on your own" 
Isn't it amazing how we never stop learning? Even if classes are over. Even if school is over. The world's wonderfully complex like that. 
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