The last time I updated, it was just the first week of exams.
It's finally all over! No more classes, no more screaming teachers, noise polluted halls...for three months at least. 
It actually ended yesterday. I didn't go anywhere though - no hangouts or anything. Perhaps it does sound boring, but there was a serene touch to it. I mean, it wasn't boring like how you pictured it. I don't know if it was something about the place or if I was just sleepy.
Perhaps it's both. I don't think three hours is long enough.
Yeah, I doubt anyone really does.
Today's officially the first day of summer holidays for us here.
Looking back, a lot has happened. But I can still recall the first few days of that school year...kind of like it just happened last week. Maybe that's not how it really is...I just wish it kind of was. Not 'cause of studies though. It was just a point where everything was alright. I mean, it was just the way it's supposed to be. It wasn't perfect nor was it all rainbows and unicorns. It was just full of optimism and hope that no matter what will come my way, it'll still be great. 
Perhaps it was just the great summer mood. Last year's summer was pretty memorable in many ways.
Well the year was quite a good one. I haven't lost the optimistic attitude though. I still have it. There just doesn't seem to be a direction so far since summer just started even now. But perhaps that's what makes it exciting...? 
I'm looking forward to my visit back to my home country.
I won't be there for reports though. 
Hm...I have no idea what else to say. But I do have something to say. Just not here, not now. Soon.